Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, the revolution in environmental care is a reality

 Artificial Intelligence, the revolution in environmental care is a reality

AI is here to stay and revolutionize processes and environmental care is no exception. In recent years we have seen how the environment has been deteriorating over time, but how AI relates to the environment and what kind of changes it is generating in it?

There are 4 types of artificial intelligence and each of these seeks to fulfill a different objective. According to Rojas J. (2022) these are the following:

  1. Reactive machines: pure AI systems with no capacity to form memories.
  2. Systems with limited memory: They are capable of remembering past movements.
  3. Machines designed on the basis of theory of mind: Understanding and capable of having thought and emotions.
  4. Systems with self-awareness: They recognize internal states and understand emotions.

As we know, there are many factors that make climate change more and more widespread. However, by means of programs that use AI, we seek to minimize the negative footprints that remain in the environment. Muller N. 2023. in his publication "How can AI protect the environment?" details some projects that use AI.

"Saving trees with AI 'guardians'". In this project developed by the NGO Rainforest Connection, they use acoustic sensors placed in trees recognizing sounds such as motorcycles and trucks. This emits a signal or alarm that alerts the authorities that there are illegal loggers in the area and thus helps to minimize logging.

According to ClimateAdam 2023. There is a system called "Bee2FireDetection" which allows to obtain data regarding the probability of a fire occurring in certain areas with very high temperatures. This helps immensely in preventing damage to the ecosystem of thousands of species around the world, as well as decreasing smoke and gas production and any collateral damage.

Definitely the use of artificial intelligence brings immense benefits and contributions to the fight against climate change and environmental pollution. Here is a video made by Adam Levy in collaboration with Ankur Shah on 2023 where you can learn more about climate change and how AI is revolutionizing the solutions to this problem.





·       ClimateAdam. (2023, March 23). Can Artificial Intelligence revolutionise Climate Action?! feat. @AnkurShah [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PR27zlDN8I

·       Muller, N. (2023, April 19). ¿Cómo puede la IA proteger al medio ambiente? dw.com. https://www.dw.com/es/c%C3%B3mo-puede-la-inteligencia-artificial-proteger-al-medio-ambiente/a-65378049

·       Rojas, J. (2022, December 21). Inteligencia Artificial y medio ambiente o cómo cuidar del planeta. Telefónica. https://www.telefonica.com/es/sala-comunicacion/blog/inteligencia-artificial-y-medio-ambiente-o-como-cuidar-del-planeta/

·        Ruiz, A. (2022d, October 24). Inteligencia Artificial como clave para la preservación del medio ambiente y de la industria forestal - Tecnología para los negocios. Tecnología Para Los Negocios. https://ticnegocios.camaravalencia.com/servicios/tendencias/inteligencia-artificial-como-clave-para-la-preservacion-del-medio-ambiente-y-de-la-industria-forestal/


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